Unidos por Casa Latina

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Casa Latina
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Fuel the movement to advance the power of Latinx immigrant workers in King County with a gift today.


raised by 6 people

$500 goal

2 days left

For me, Casa Latina's mission hit's home. My commitment to advancing the power of Latino workers is rooted in my upbringing, family, and community of El Paso, Texas.

Since 2020, I've had the privilege of collaborating with the Casa Latina team and am now honored to serve as their Development & Communications Director. I've witnessed firsthand the profound impact and growth of the community we serve; hardworking day laborers and domestic workers whose resilience and perseverance inspire them daily to build a brighter future for themselves and their families. 

Casa Latina is a non-profit organization that advances the power of Latino immigrant workers through employment, education, and community organizing. Their programs combine direct services with community organizing. They support their members to participate fully in the democracy and economy of this country by providing workforce development workshops, ESL educational classes, and advocacy training to build a more equitable future for all immigrants. 

Friends, join me today in whichever amount you can to amplify the impact and work of Casa Latina. The first $10,000 raised will be DOUBLED thanks to a campaign match! 

Grateful for you all. 💛

This fundraiser supports

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Casa Latina

Organized By Gabriela Reyes

Giving Activity


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