Banks the Brave

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Furry Friends
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Lets raise enough funds to cover Banks' costly PU surgery!


raised by 0 people

$2,500 goal

Meet Banks, a 5-month-old feline friend originally adopted from Furry Friends but was sadly returned upon the discovery of a urinary blockage that requires a Perineal Urethrostomy (PU) surgery. This surgery was too costly for the owners, so now we are taking on this $2,500 medical case. We need YOUR SUPPORT as Banks faces this surgery and a 2-3 week recovery. Your contribution truly makes a world of difference. Let's rally together to ensure Banks gets the care he needs and returns to his usual playful self. 
Donate NOW on this page to help Banks directly!

Thank you for being a part of Banks' journey to a healthier, happier life! #HelpingPawsForBanks #CatLoversUnite #FurryFriendsWA #GivingTuesday

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