EA&G Renovations to the Backyard Garden

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Evergreen Arboretum and Gardens
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raised by 1 people

$20,000 goal

Evergreen Arboretum and Gardens 60th anniversary is almost upon us, and we are already talking about projects and events to enhance the gardens and celebrate the beauty of the Arboretum. We have chosen the Backyard Garden as the focus for our Washington Gives campaign for 2022 because it takes a long time to design, raise funds, and implement a project—and we want to get a head start for our anniversary project.

The Backyard Garden is one of the oldest gardens in the Arboretum. Because of the intimacy of the setting, it has been a favorite site for weddings and engagements over the years. It has also provided homeowners with great ideas for their own backyards. But as with all gardens as they age, it now needs a serious renovation. A collaboration with Edmonds College’s landscape design class has produced a slew of exciting ideas, and we are already at work distilling these ideas into a final design.

Help us celebrate our 60th by donating to the Backyard Garden renovation. With your generous donation we can turn this aging garden into an inspiration for home gardeners and a beautiful site for life’s important events.

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