Help us put climate sensors in the field!

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raised by 0 people

$7,000 goal

2°C LEAF App First Look

Update posted 2 years ago

Here's a look at our Beta-Test application software as it interacts with the LEAF sensor!

We’re a climate focused nonprofit trying to reach environmentally conscious people who would like to participate in generating meaningful data to share with scientists trying to tackle the climate crisis.

2°C is a nonprofit citizen science organization with a mission of transforming anyone who enjoys the outdoors into environmental heroes. When our heroes carry one of our research-grade climate sensors, they become mobile data platforms, gathering essential environmental data wherever they go. Shared with scientists worldwide, these data are necessary for understanding and solving climate change and its impacts!

We are currently in the process of completing our 2°C LEAF Mobile App (V.9 Beta) by November 2022, and building the first cohorts of Beta testers for the LEAF sensors. 

We need your help to send beta-test sensors to places that need them for evaluation.

We're hoping to raise $7000 to help us put these sensors in the field!

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