Seattle Polish Film Festival

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Seattle Polish Foundation
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Seattle Polish Film Festival (SPFF) is an annual event showcasing the best of Polish cinema.


raised by 1 people

$5,000 goal


Update posted 1 year ago

This year’s Seattle Polish Film Festival celebrates 31 years of Polish cinema.

Film-goers like you have bestowed the Viewers’ Choice Award on a dozen films including:

Teściowie (The In-Laws) by Jakub Michalczuk, Zimna Wojna (Cold War) by Pawel Pawlikowski and Planeta Singli (Planet Single) by Mitja Okorn (to name a few).

In order to present such outstanding films plus the opportunity to meet and greet film actors, directors, and scriptwriters we need your help.  

Your donation, no matter how big or small,  helps cover the cost of films, theater rentals, advertising, printing and accommodations for our guests.

We are preparing our 31st Seattle Polish Film Festival with some major new productions like Dangerous Gentlemen or Filip. Our goal is to raise $5,000 to cover the cost of films and to bring the best guests to Seattle.

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