Andy's Fundraiser for HIP

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Hunger Intervention Program
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Help HIP provide tasty nutritious meals with joy as hunger is rising in our community.


raised by 4 people

$2,000 goal

The mission of the Hunger Intervention Program (HIP) is to increase food security for underserved populations in North King County through nutritious meals, educational programs, and advocacy. Their vision is to provide healthy food that is accessible to everyone in the community.

Their approach is threefold: direct food support in the form of nutritious meals to people in need; cooking and nutrition education classes to help create long-term behavioral change; and food justice workshops and legislative advocacy to organize and push for policy-level changes to address the root causes of hunger.

You can help HIP provide more fresh, delicious, nutritious meals every week for seniors, families with children, and our neighbors experiencing homelessness. HIP is also on the ground advocating at the federal, state, and local levels for food access for all. 

Your donation helps children, like those participating in the Summer Eats meal program, where kids at high risk of hunger receive nutritious meals and participate in activities near their homes. From the parents:

"I grew up eating free lunches in the park. I love this program and I am glad we are supporting kids and our future".

Due to budget constraints, HIP paused the senior meal delivery last September. Many of the seniors they serve suffer from illnesses that leave them unable to attend the Senior Community Meal program on-site, making these deliveries vital for their survival. When they called seniors to let them know that we would resume meal delivery in October, some began crying from relief. Their responses to the calls made them more determined than ever to keep this program going. You can help us by donating today.

I started working at HIP last November. During my first week of training, I visited all the meal sites. I saw the joy of community while meeting the most basic of needs, filling people with delicious, healthy, and nourishing meals. The participants were so friendly and happy to talk about their lived experiences. They also gave great feedback about the meals. We cannot do our work and continue feeding these amazing community members without the contributions of our great donors. Thank you for your support!   Andy

This fundraiser supports

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Hunger Intervention Program

Organized By Andrew Weaver

Use of Funds

Giving Activity


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