2022 Student Scholarship Help!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

The Salish Sea School

Donations from GiveBIG will go towards scholarships for students to attend our summer programs!


raised by 3 people

$4,220 goal




Our mission is to inspire students to become leaders in marine conservation through our experiential programs. We deeply believe in the power of experience to create an advocate, who in turn strives to maintain a healthy and sustainable future for the Salish Sea ecosystem.

Each program is built upon three pillars:

Adventure: hands-on, outdoor, placed-based education that spans the entire marine ecosystem from underwater drone explorations through listening to orca calls on a hydrophone, island hikes, and recognition of the stewardship of the Coast Salish tribes who have served as guardians of the Salish Sea for millennia.

Field Research: unique exposure to career exploration, research equipment and scientific inquiry, collection of valuable research data by students for partner scientists, such as a tufted puffin survey, orca behavior survey, and marine density survey.

Action: lessons on environmental advocacy, letter writing, engagement with elected officials, environmental service projects, and at-home actions such as ways to reduce stormwater contaminants, invasive plants.

Some of our programs include:

Guardians of the Sea - Middle and High School

Guardianes del Mar - Latino High School program

Southern Resident Orca Superheroes - elementary Puffin Protectors - elementary

Afterschool SEA Club

Family environmental service projects Student Leadership Team

Student Training as Research Scientists (STaRS) research internship

Budding Birders Club

School Programs to bring marine conservation kits into classrooms (when covid restrictions lift)

Environmental Service Projects

Communities for Southern Residents Virtual Conference, led by Student Leadership Team

The foundation of our curriculum is to teach students how to protect and restore the Salish Sea and its inhabitants, which extends our focus to the local watersheds and overall water quality of both freshwater and saltwater sources.

Use of Funds

Giving Activity



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