Give BIG to Northshore Performing Arts Foundation

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Northshore Performing Arts Foundation
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Help keep the performing arts strong and vibrant in the Northshore Community


raised by 4 people

$10,000 goal

Early Giving Starts Now!

Update posted 1 year ago

#EarlyGiving - What it means to be an arts hero!

We now know that a healthy arts economy supports the growth and development of cities and communities across the country, especially in the tourism and hospitality spaces. 

The Northshore Performing Arts Foundation presents and promotes the performing arts in your community, and we're looking for your support.

Revenue from our programs and performances does not cover all of what it takes to not only pay for artist and rental fees, but to also make these performances accessible to the community - in fact, ticket sales only cover about 50% of the cost. The rest of NPAF's funding comes from state and federal grants, corporate and individual sponsorships, and of course direct donations from our individual patrons like you!

Did you know that if half of our email list donated $5 we would exceed our goal of $10,000 in one day!

We want you to #GiveWhereYouLive this Spring to support our 2023/24 season of programs - and share in our mission of bringing the community together, one show at a time. 

The Northshore Performing Arts Foundation (NPAF) is excited to participate in the annual Give Big campaign.  Not only is this an opportunity to share our mission but it also allows you, our fans, to support us with a donation of any size.  

NPAF, like so many other organizations and businesses, has been drastically affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.  For nearly two years, our principle revenue stream of ticket sales ceased to exist.  We were able to keep going through generous support and grants from individuals and philanthropic foundations as well as a strong belief in our mission by our board of directors. 

We were able to launch our 2021-2022 season in December with Emerald Ballet Theatre's production the Nutcracker.  Audiences were thrilled and the final performance sold-out.  This season features nearly all performers who are local to the Pacific Northwest, who are superbly talented and who should always be showcased.  We also feel the need to support those closest to us as the arts continue to recover from the pandemic.

NPAF offers fantastic shows with ticket prices lower than almost every other theatre in the Greater Seattle Area.  Generous support allows us to keep doing this while bringing in world-class entertainment.  Many of our performers offer free workshops to the community and schools and we provide special discounts for the Northshore School District, seniors and veterans.  

For many years, NPAF has offered a annual scholarship to a graduating high school senior who is seeking a college education and career in the performing arts.

Why is all this important?

We believe the arts are vital in everyone's life.  As we have all heard and know, the arts provide entry into a fascinating world full of creativity, talent, dreams, complexity, history, culture, science, learning, emotion and so much more.  NPAF is the only organization in the Northshore Community to bring these opportunities to everyone's backyard.  Without needing to drive to Seattle, Bellevue or Everett, Northshore residents can experience the wonder of world-class performing arts right in their backyard at a very affordable price.  Students are able to receive additional training and immersion in the arts and our programming is always geared toward community-building and learning.  

NPAF is a small organization with big dreams.  With two part-time staffers, much of our mission is accomplished with the help of wonderful volunteers who range in age from 10-80.  The largest part of our annual budget is spent on show production from artists' fees to space rental and tech crew.  

Northshore Performing Arts Foundation believes in enriching cultural appreciation and engaging our local community through creative educational programs and opportunities to experience and enjoy the performing arts.  Please join us and support our mission today with your donation.  We thank you for your support.

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