End Hunger. Build Community.

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Hunger Intervention Program
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Join Srijan in ensuring healthy meals for everyone in North King County


raised by 12 people

$4,000 goal

Why should anyone go hungry in one of the richest cities in the most powerful country in the world? It has always boggled my mind how hunger persists, and indeed continues to grow, in the land of plenty. However, that is the reality for many kids, seniors, families, and people experiencing homelessness in North King County.

I am incredibly grateful to have the opportunity to co-lead Hunger Intervention Program (HIP), a nonprofit dedicated to ensuring access to healthy, culturally appropriate food for everyone. It is a privilege to work with a team of wonderful humans who care deeply about food and food justice. HIP not only addresses the immediate needs of people who need food support now but also educates people about healthy eating, our food system, and how to change it. HIP advocates for policy solutions to address the root causes of hunger so that our existence becomes unnecessary.

However, that is not our reality today. Hunger is on the rise. HIP is scaling up to meet the demand. But we can only do that with your support. Please join me in supporting HIP during the 2024 GiveBIG campaign. I can confidently say that your donations will be put to good use. Thank you in advance for your support!

PS. In the picture above, Chef Emebet, along with her team, is serving a delicious Ethiopian meal to the participants of HIP's weekly meal program for East African elders.

This fundraiser supports

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Hunger Intervention Program

Organized By Srijan Chakraborty

Giving Activity


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