Igniting Empathy: Angelica's Fundraiser for ISF ❤️

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Island Shakespeare Festival
Fundraiser image

Join me in supporting ISF, a scrappy and passionate company making exciting, relevant art for all!


raised by 24 people

$2,500 goal

Hey there, friends and fam, it's Angelica. You guessed it - it's that time again; time to rally for donations for Island Shakespeare Festival!

"Angelica, ever do anything other than fundraising for Island Shakespeare Festival?" Truth be told, I'm knee-deep in a million and one tasks for ISF almost every day (I still dare you to ask what I do in my "off season" (hint, it's way too much)). Hey Siri, cue up "She Works Hard for the Money". 🎶 

While I wear a lot of metaphorical and physical hats, fundraising is one of the most important things I can do to support ISF in this pivotal moment. Why? Because on a regular basis, we hear about a new theatre in jeopardy of closing, and honestly, it's absolutely terrifying and keeps me up at night. COVID and lack of government funding has reeked havoc on our industry, and ISF is no exception. 

But Angelica, why does theatre even matter? 

Great question, I'd love to tell you!

Theatre creates empathy. It allows us to see others' stories and see beyond ourselves. It forces us to look at the good and bad in life, ask questions, and take action. Theatre is a catalyst for change in the world.

And at ISF, theatre is for everyone.

I'm passionate about working my ass off here because we're Pay What You Will - we don't charge a set ticket price, so anyone and everyone has access to the really incredible theatre my friends and I work so hard to make. Those who can afford to pay it forward for those who can't. And for just a few hours, regardless of our differences, we all sit in that audience and share a heartbeat; share what can be a life changing experience. 

It's hard to believe that this will be my ninth year with Island Shakespeare Festival. This non profit is so near and dear to my heart, where I've made some of my best art, best memories, and best friends - a place I consider my artistic home. Without a doubt, I know ISF has made me the leader, woman, and empath I am today.

What a gift ISF has given me. 

"I love that we are committed to making space in the classical canon for folks who've historically been excluded from it, onstage, offstage, and in the audience. At ISF, artists and audiences get to share in an experience of belonging. “ISF has the power to make amends - ISF has the power to create peace - ISF has the power to liberate - ISF is a place where you see yourself - and know that you, yourself, are enough - you, yourself, are great.” - Ada Karamanyan (she/her)

So what's the good news? 

Your donation right now will be the reason we are still here.

I personally know that each of those dollars makes a difference. Did you know that 80% of our budget goes to people? See?! Your money is guaranteed to have a direct impact on someone's life!

So in times when many theatres are struggling, please join me in digging deep into your pockets and supporting this incredible company this summer. 

And, just like last year, I will match the first $250 in donations made towards my campaign!

Your choice to make a gift now will help launch an exciting season of accessible theatre for all. Let’s create a space together where everyone belongs!

Giving Activity


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