Help Boost Food Security with HIP

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Hunger Intervention Program
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Support the Hunger Intervention Program (HIP) and help improve food security in North Seattle!

5 donors

raised $1,000

7 donor goal

17 hours left

Hello! Please help support my fundraising goals this year for the Hunger Intervention Program (HIP). Your donation will be doubled as we have a $20,000 matching challenge grant during this season of giving! Any amount helps, so thank you in advance! 💖 

Hunger in our communities is growing. With high food costs, rising rents, and underlying instability, some of our neighbors are finding it difficult to get the healthy food they need to be well. 

HIP provides tasty nutritious meals in North Seattle and helps boost food security through its programs. HIP's healthy and delicious meals are essential in our communities. Folks ranging from seniors to school children to recently arrived immigrants to folks struggling with chronic housing instability all rely on HIP's programs. 

The power of HIP's programs go beyond the amazing meals it provides to our neighbors. For example, a warm scratch-made meal at the Oaks Shelter nourishes folks struggling with homelessness and provides some relief from difficult circumstances. A backpack of shelf stable food and snacks in a Healthy HIP Pack helps a family through the weekend when their growing students aren't receiving school meals. Seniors connect with each other and important services over culturally-tailored meals in the East African Senior Meals program. 

All of HIP's programs address hunger and build food security for individuals. Since 2022, I have had the pleasure of serving on HIP's Board of Directors. I've seen first-hand the care, intention, and effectiveness HIP implements throughout its programs. 

Help me meet my goal of having 7 donors this year! Please donate and help advance HIP's goals and build community resilience, connection, and power in North Seattle. Thank you!! 

This fundraiser supports

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Hunger Intervention Program

Organized By Emily Johnson

Giving Activity


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