Feed Our Neighbors in Need!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Sumner Community Food Bank
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This fundraiser will fight hunger in our communities by feeding our neighbors in need!

0 donors

raised $0

25 donor goal

Your Neighbors are struggling to get by.

"We are low income, on Medicare, and have our son living with us. We live on casseroles and soups but still don't have left overs! I have many health issues and have a difficult time finding work."

"I am a senior and on a fixed income. My money does not get me all the groceries I need for my household."

Your Community is coming together.

"[It's as] Terrifying as it could be, to think the neighbors might be hungry and you don't have enough to invite them on over for supper. You are there, you care, and best of all you share! Thanks much!"

"I feel it’s one of the great benefits for living in a small close-knit community."

YOU can GIVE the gift of COMMUNITY now!

Prepare a seat at the table this Giving Tuesday in support of your neighbors in need and our community. Make a one time or recurring donation, and see just how much you can impact the lives of those around you.

Your gift of:

  • $25 can provide 125 nutritious meals for families in our area.
  • $50 can provide child-friendly food for about 40 student's weekend food Backpacks.
  • $100 a month can feed a family of 5.
  • $500 provides for our marketplace, where our neighbors can shop for food with dignity.
  • $1000 supports our staff and facilities where we fight hunger every day.

Giving Activity


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