Together We Can End Hunger in our Neighborhood

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Hunger Intervention Program
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Help HIP provide tasty nutritious meals with joy as hunger is rising in our community.

1 donors

raised $100

10 donor goal

Our son, Andy, has recently become Communications and Development Coordinator for this program.  We can testify to the important work HIP does in an area where low income persons and families are physically and mentally struggling with high costs of living.  The matching funds in this campaign mean that any gift will make a difference...number of donors counts.  Please read Andy's description below.

North Seattle and Shoreline, where HIP operates, are at high risk of even more hunger due to a recent reduction in federal food benefits (SNAP) and high inflation. Now you can help HIP provide even more fresh, delicious, nutritious meals every week for seniors, families with children, and our neighbors experiencing homelessness. HIP is also on the ground advocating at the federal, state, and local levels for food access for all. 

Your donation helps children, like those that participate in the Summer Eats meal program, where kids at high risk of hunger receive nutritious meals and participate in activities right near their homes. From the parents:

"We really enjoyed bringing our kids here because we have five children and meals are tough during summer. All of the people working are friendly and made us feel welcome."

Due to budget constraints, we paused our senior meal delivery in September. Many of the seniors we serve suffer from illnesses that leave them unable to attend the Senior Community Meal program on-site, making these deliveries vital for their survival. When we called seniors to let them know that we would resume meal delivery in October, some began crying from relief. Their responses to our calls made us more determined than ever to keep this program going. You can help us by donating today.

This fundraiser supports

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Hunger Intervention Program

Organized By Glenn Weaver

Giving Activity


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