Get that GIVING feeling!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Empowering Youth and Families Outreach
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With your support, you will provide life-changing educational opportunities for deserving students.


raised by 4 people

$2,400 goal

Why I Support Empowering Youth and Families Outreach

Why # 1

I support EYFO because I have friends and family that go there, and I see the impact they have had on their lives, and now they are empowered to impact the lives of others. 

I’ve seen the results of their work, such as enabling 1st generations to go to college supported by community partners, board members, and donors like you, bringing forth resilient leaders, and providing the tools to achieve their dreams.

I’ve witnessed how their program College and Career Readiness came alongside a student who wanted to attend college but felt no one would admit her; this program helped her navigate the requirements, resulting in her receiving several acceptance letters. This program also helped her apply for various grants and scholarships.  She was 10k short, and a silent EYFO partner came forward and closed that gap.

Why #2

I support EYFO because it taught me how to be a better parent supporting my children, who receive educational development and opportunities.  

Why #3

I support EYFO because I’ve seen 1st hand the impact they have had on hundreds of children over the past 20 years. I believe so much in this organization’s vision and mission that I volunteered for several years. After I retired, I went to work for EYFO. 

All the board members have made a personal commitment to help fund scholarships. Education is a game-changer that helps level the playing field. 

Why # 4

I have provided funding to pay for student scholarships because we know that education is a game-changer that helps level the playing field.

I’ve seen the results of their work, such as enabling 1st generations to go to college supported by community partners, board members, and donors like you, bringing forth resilient leaders, and providing the tools to achieve their dreams.

Urgent Challenges Facing Students

Our students face many pressing challenges that require immediate attention and action. These challenges include:

Lack of Information and Equitable Access to Resources: Many students need more awareness of the resources available to support their academic, personal, and financial needs. 

Mentorship and Training on Financial Literacy: Students often struggle with managing their finances, understanding financial aid, and developing the skills necessary for financial stability.

Family Challenges and Support: Many students face complex family situations, such as financial instability, caregiving responsibilities, or lack of familial support. 

The Solution - Feel the Joy of Giving

When you give to provide scholarship funds, you'll experience the profound satisfaction of making a real difference. Thanks to your support, watching students achieve their academic dreams is a feeling like no other. Your gift will fill you with purpose and leave a lasting impact.

This fundraiser supports

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Empowering Youth and Families Outreach

Organized By Carrie Robersone

Giving Activity


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