Seattle Design Festival

A nonprofit organization

$1,680 raised by 14 donors

34% complete

$5,000 Goal


We unleash the design thinker in everyone to illuminate Seattle's challenges and ignite action.


Seattle Design Festival (SDF) demonstrates the relevance of design thinking, empowers communities to leverage design, and promotes a culture of collaboration. SDF is one of the largest publicly created Festivals in the world.

SDF engages community organizations, neighborhoods, and non-profits not traditionally involved with design thinking. Designers, makers, and activists are the foundation of the Seattle Design Festival and create installations and experiences. The public creates the Festival and anyone can propose a program or installation.

Matching is now LIVE!

Your GiveBIG gift has double impact today! SDF’s Board is matching donations dollar for dollar up to our goal of $5,000 to support students, community-led organizations, and non-profit partners participation in Seattle Design Festival. Help us keep the Festival 99% free and truly accessible to everyone!

Why Give to Seattle Design Festival?

Your gift supports Festival participation for non-profits, students, and community-led organizations. Your gift to SDF keeps the Festival completely free to attend and provides individual stipends for Festival partners who engage students, activists, and marginalized communities in the design process. Your gift keeps the Festival truly accessible to everyone!

In 2024, under the theme of What If?, Seattle Design Festival will be held August 17th-22nd and include:

Built Installations, Pop-Up Programs, and an SDF Mainstage with an Online Broadcast, culminating in the celebration of our community at the 2024 SDF Closing Party.

The Festival is completely free to attend for the public and engages multidisciplinary partners including UI/UX, architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning, graphic design, fashion, visual art, film, dance, industrial design, gaming, and much more. The support of individual donors like you brings design to everyone!

Organization Data


Organization name

Seattle Design Festival

Tax id (EIN)



Arts & Culture


1010 Western Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104

Service areas

Seattle, WA, US

King County, WA, US



Social Media