Every pet has a life worth saving.
With every contribution you make, you’re helping over 100,000 pets and people. You’re fueling Seattle Humane's rescue efforts across the country. And you’re powering community-based services that keep pets happy, healthy and in the arms of their loved ones.
Even with the challenges of increasing costs of operation, animals being left at our shelter doorstep and a national shelter overcrowding crisis, with the kind-hearted support of our donors, we continue to meet the needs of our community and partner shelters. During our last fiscal year, we:
- Coordinated hundreds of Lifesaver Rescue transfers across the United States—from Hawaii to Louisiana—bringing 4,075 vulnerable pets to safety.
- Placed 5,688 shelter pets in loving homes.
- Delivered nearly one million meals to pets in need through our Pet Food Bank.
- Provided 12,853 exams to shelter pets and 3,901 exams to community pets.
- Distributed $115,615 to pet families experiencing hardship saving the lives of vulnerable pets and keep their families whole.
- And so much more!