Braided Seeds

A nonprofit organization

$100 raised by 1 donor

3% complete

$3,000 Goal

Braided Seeds’ mission is to provide opportunities for rest, restoration and repair through connection with the land for Black, Indigenous, and communities of color.

Rest is our inheritance and we aim to provide an onramp to a renewed relationship with self and the outdoors through increasing access, knowledge, and opportunities for outdoor recreation and wellness activities.

What We've Done

Hiking and Backpacking: We’ve taken hundreds of youth on hikes, tent camping trips, and backpacking trips to parks across Washington state. Some of their favorites have included Dash Point State Park, Birch Bay State Park, Twin Falls Trailhead, Ozette Loop and Deception Pass. In 2022, we've spent over 250 hours on direct youth programming.

Sponsored Outdoor Retreats: Day Retreats or overnight, getting away from the noise and into the woods can be a revelation. Our sponsorship program offers funding for self-determined small scale activities and retreats that prioritize rest and reconnection to the land. We've provided more than 30 sponsorships, removing barriers to accessing cultural and environmental experiences for recipients. 

Discover Pass and Gear Distribution: Last year, we distributed 500 discover Passes directly to folks statewide. 400 more passes will be distributed this year. We also offer a no-cost gear library so our community can experience the outdoors with the necessary equipment.

Giving Activity

Organization Data


Organization name

Braided Seeds

Tax id (EIN)



Black & African American, Low-Income, Youth & Children, Asian & Pacific Islander, Hispanic & Latinx, Immigrants & Refugees, Indigenous & Native American


PO BOX 58512

Service areas


Social Media